Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mister Boy: 8 Months Old!

This handsome little one is 8 months old today!  Once again, wow!  Really, 8 months already??  We are getting closer and closer to the one year mark and it's scary!  Each month does get better and better.

Maverick is still crawling up a storm, getting faster everyday.  He pulls up to stand on everything and recently starting cruising a bit.  He has yet to stand on his own, but he tries here and there.  Still no teeth for this guy, but drool is dripping like crazy right now so who knows.  He smiles and laughs all day and his big personality is really shining these days!  We can't get enough of him!  He also started giving kisses and loves to hold out his arms to cuddle-so freakin' wonderful!  He has entered the separation anxiety phase, so we are being very patient and loving.  He is also becoming a little weary of strangers.  His favorite thing to do currently is ride bikes with papa!

I return to work in 2 short days and my heart is already aching thinking about being away from him for 6 hours!  I will miss our mid-day park adventures and long walks to the ocean.  Sigh!  Before we know it, this little one will be walking-oh, my!  Wish I could freeze time because everyone was so right when they said it goes by oh so fast!  

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